Companies big and small throughout Southeastern Wisconsin recognize that employee transportation is key to recruiting and retaining a satisfied, productive workforce. The Employer Commute Guide provides guidance and support to employers interested in creating a transportation options program at their workplace.

This guide introduces a variety of commute options, describes key benefits for the employee and employer, and provides ideas for integration into your company. The strategies in this guide, combined with your unique understanding of your organization, equip you to take the next step in your employee transportation program.
Why Employee Transportation?
Many workers balance their career with caregiving, pursing an education, raising a family or other responsibilities. Employee transportation is key to recruiting and retaining a satisfied, productive workforce. Offering a variety of transportation choices can also help diversify your labor pool by appealing to a broader range of job seekers.
Businesses that offer transportation choice find a number of financial, environmental, and human resources benefits.
Reduce costs of employee recruiting and turnover
Improve employee retention, job satisfaction, and productivity
Gain community recognition as a sustainable business
Find more benefits inside the Employer Commute Guide
There is “no one size fits all” approach to employee transportation programs.
Programs often include multiple commute solutions based on employees' needs and what makes the most business sense for your organization. CommuteWISE is here to help you identify and develop which strategies can help your company meet its goals. Contact us at to start a conversation with our team.